In the Garden, In the Woods

Interesting things are happening both in the garden and in the woods. First, the garden:

The first asparagus has popped up!

We ate the first baby beets, delicious!

It's ceonothus season - here's one with white blossoms about to open...

... and one with the more traditional purple/blue. You can see why it's called the 'lilac of the West.'

I'm finding the white threads of mycelium everywhere, especially on wood chips.

The peas began to fruit!

And, in the woods (and trails):

Interesting bark on a fallen tree

Poppies and Buttercups blooming; this is how I picture spring in Northern California 
Sulfur Buckwheat is growing new leaves

Dutchman's Pipevine everywhere

Thimbleberry; hoping the ones in my yard bloom soon 

A rare sighting of two elusive creatures. 65ish degrees today.

That Dutchman's Pipevine is everywhere this year, and it's the main feeding ground for the Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly. On our walks with the kids at work (I work at a school for kids with disabilities), we've seen numerous cocoons of this butterfly, attached to the underside of a bridge railing.

All evidence points to spring.